Monday, May 12, 2008

In the garden at the moment...

Tulip 'Carnival de Nice'

Tulipa 'Recreado', with the silver foliage of a cardoon behind


Anonymous said...

Your tulips are very elegant. I hope that your lilac recovers. Have you pruned back the infected branches?

HappyMouffetard said...

Thank you, Northern Shade. I've cut the lilac back, and although it looks a bit mis-shapen, the blight doesn't seem to have spread.

I like the alphabetical list of plants in your garden on your website - very interesting,


emmat said...

Carneval de Nice is my favourite... Mmmmmmmmmmm.....
I can't believe tulips are totally gone already until all the way into next year. Life's pleasures are so fleeting. If we had world enough, and time...