April is a time of bright whites in the shady border.
Erythronium 'White Beauty' (Dog's Tooth Violet)
Fritillaria meleagris (Snakes Head Fritillary - white form, without lily beetle)
Also in flower (spreading over the front garden) is the forget-me-not. For a lot of the year I grumble at its habit of spreading, and looking untidy after flowering. But now - so sweet.
Joe Swift has said that green is 'in' in the garden this year. It's not often I'm fashionable!
Gunnera manicata
Polygonatum x hybridum (Solomon's Seal - before the sawfly get to it)
But best of all, April is brash and blousy - bring it on!
Wow! Fantastic picture of that erythronium. Wish my gunnera was so far along. I think mine is stunted.
What a lovely Bloom Day post. Have a wonderful Easter and Bloom Day.~~Dee
As an Erythronium affecianado, I was thrilled to see the wonderful photo that started this post..... exquisite! I am a shade gardener, but alas, here in Canada, everything is only starting to peak above the soil.... another month yet for shady blooms. Lovely photos! As far as being early for GBBD - as gardener's we snap them when we can! Following too many calendars makes me dizzy!
Beautiful pictures! Looks like a bit of everything in your garden.
Thanks for joining in for bloom day!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Another fan of your erythonium picture here.
Bleeding hearts - I thought they had long red tassles . . . so what am I thinking of?
Esther's Boring Garden Blog
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