1. Pride
One of my first few blog posts showed what a fantastic grower of red cabbages I was.
The shame!
But yesterday ...
They say pride comes before a fall but in this case, pride came before some very nice braised red cabbage made with home grown onions and cooking apples.
I started giggling the minute you said "Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia". However, that is a seriously impressive cabbage.
Oh one of my favortie dishes, and the very best use of red cabbage, IMHO. Sorry, the referenced head isn't registering here across the pond. :-)
Wonderful cabbage, it must have been declicious. Much mourned Humph would be proud of you!
Well, that's not going to win in the miniature vegetable category at the Emsworth village show, is it?!
Do you find as we do that whenever you ask someone to bring you something you always add "of Alfedo Garcia"? :-D
Must get round to trying to grow red cabbage next year - I love it, so I'm not quite sure why it's never appeared on my 'must grow' list!
Alfredo Garcia seems to figure highly in conversations in our house too ......but we do miss Humph!! :)
So shiny too - or have you polished it? :-)
Apologies to those form across the 'pond', who may not get the Alfredo Garcia reference but it would take a long time to explain, rathe rlike the rules of Mornington Crescent.
EG, a natural shine - I haven't yet resorted to polishing cabbages. It looks very silky, or did before I cooked it.
I've been thinking of BMTHOAG lines all day. You could have:
Bring Me The Red (as in cabbage) of Alfredo Garcia
Bring Me The Shred of Alfredo Garcia (once you'd cut it up).
Has ANYONE seen Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia? I haven't.
I haven't seen it either - but I did mime it in a game of charades once!
We're off to see ISIHAC in Cheltenham in September to celebrate NAH's birthday...
oooh - VP, how wonderful! Hope you have a great time. I'd be interested to know how you mimed BMTHOAG...
"Has ANYONE seen Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia? I haven't."
No. Well, I haven't.
It's a beautiful cabbage! gail
Who could not be proud of that beauty!
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