Monday, April 25, 2011

What a difference a day makes…


From this…

IMG_8232 …to the petals unfurling as creased as a butterfly’s wings as it emerges from its cocoon.

IMG_8279 You might be seeing more photos of this beautiful Meconopsis. A wonderful advantage of living in the cool, damp North West of England.


Anna said...

Hear, hear but what has happened to our wet stuff so far this year? A glorious shade of blue.

HappyMouffetard said...

Yes - not so cool and wet at the moment. Still, that's what July and August are for!

Helle (Helen) said...

I loove Meconopsises - probably not the right plural - here in not so cool Switzerland I have found it difficult to grow them. But as there are Meconopsis growers in Australia, I refuse to give up. Have you ever had any luck with growing them from seed?