Thank you also to James who is in the process of final judging, once he has stopped vomiting in his hat due to a surfeit of kewt kitties.
And so, just for James, I have created my own LOLcat in order to draw a close to the painful poetry and frolicking felines.

HappyMouffetard and SomeBeans trivia #1: We had a Tom Jones song played at our wedding ceremony. Not 'what's New Pussycat' - that would be stupid. It was 'Help Yourself'.
HappyMouffetard and SomeBeans trivia #2: Another song at our wedding ceremony was 'Mad About the Boy' by Eartha Kitt. She, of course, played Cat Woman.
Thank you happymouffetard, it was fun to be part of it. I think Tommycat had a smile around his whiskers while looking down from cat heaven.
Hi Happy, what a great idea. The creativity in the blogdom never ceases to amaze. Even those without cats of their own felt the urge to join in. Thanks for the light hearted lift.
It's been such fun HM! :D
I think we showed James eh? ;)
Hey "Happy" .. that was a lot of fun ! .. cat people, who blog about gardens and cats .. they just darn well RULE !!!!
Woof Woof ... hehehehe : )
It was hilarious, both taking part and being an appreciative audience. Congratulations on a brilliantly successful wheeze.
I had fun reading all the posts! My cat is so mad I was gone all day Sunday!
Oh dear, I came too late for the party!
Not a silly pome but the most true cat poem I know is Gavin Ewart's "A 14year old convalescent Cat in Winter,
Thanks for this! Any excuse to put up a photo of my odd cat and write dire poetry is cause for celebration.
Oh yay!! I've just come across your blog and not only does it have gorgeous pictures, but I see you may also be a fan of LOLCats!!
Have you ever seen the movie "Mars Attacks"? Your Tom Jones comment reminded me of the end of that movie. And then there was Dana Carvey's comedy routine bit about Tom & his "jones." This was very fun & very silly.
Thought you'd like an update.
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