Saturday, October 11, 2008

LAPCPADPOUB Day - thank you for your contributions!

Welcome to the Inaugural 'Lets all post cat photos and dire poetry on our blogs' (LAPCPADPOUB*) day. I've put this up slightly early, so anyone up at stupid 'o'clock on Sunday morning has somewhere to post that they've put up a pome.

The history of this event has been well documented here, here, and here. Whilst I'm reasonably certain that we won't plumb the poetic depths reached by William Topaz McGonagall, I'm sure we'll get a few corkers.

Guarding the top of this post are Bill (left) and Ted (right). Rescue cats, they came already named, but they are strangely suitable. Bill is scared and sweet. Ted is a bruiser, who has the habit of growling at dogs and at the postman.

Please do let me know if you have posted any delightful kitty photos on your site, and also your wonderful feline-based poetry efforts. James Alexander-Sinclair has kindly offered three of his signed books as prizes for the most nausea-inducing efforts on this day. In order to be in with a chance to win one of these, please leave a comment here on this thread and/or on his own blog, so we know that you've joined in. I think it is only right that James himself judges the poems, as all of this is happening in tribute to his own love of cat-based blogging ;-)

Buckets at the ready for cloying verses, sweeter than a vat full of saccharine!

I'm adopting a more minimalist approach, and have produced a haiku about each of our cats. Not least because it saves worrying about rhyming.

Bill - a scaredy cat
Must run away! I'm frightened!
But you have warm lap.

Darkness with a growl,
Ted - cat with real catitude;
Friendship on his terms.

Have fun and please do join in! Stealing cats for the purpose of the day is not condoned, but most cats are very free with their affections, and will pose for photos and as a poetry muse for a bit of fuss and promises of fresh tuna steaks.

Furry, purry, and a little bit surly,
Paddy, faddy and sometime a baddy,
Sleepy, peepy and sometimes downright creepy,
On the bed, easily led, that's our Ted.
Soft as a jelly, loves being rubbed on his belly,
Feared foe of mice, but usually nice,
Hides his face with his paw, never extends a claw,
Loves chasing paper to kill, his name is Bill.

*I am aware that I spelt this wrong, but it's just too late to change now!


Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

A good sunday morning to you; it is 6.43 AM Brisbane eastern time.
Great post about Bill and Ted.
My post is up.

Una said...

You saved my bacon. I couldn't think what to blog about until I saw your post. Just off to upload a cat photo to my blog. See you there.

Anonymous said...

Glad you posted early - I couldn't sleep - so thought I would post my contribution to your LAPCPADPOUB day.
Bill and Ted are certainly very handsome cats indeed.
Good Haiku :)

Lucy Corrander said...

Seems to have been a success.



Victoria Summerley said...

My LAPCPADPOUB day post is up. Love the pictures of Bill and Ted.

Arabella Sock said...

My furry fiends are all blogged up too!

Love Bill and Ted.

HappyMouffetard said...

Thank you for all of your wonderful contributions so far. We've got some wonderfully 'kewt kitties' so far, and (If you don't mind me saying) some wonderfully dire poetry.

Bill and Ted are known collectively as 'The Blats' (short for black cats) as sometimes you're just not sure who is who.

Trisha said...

Lapcpadpoub day post up!

VP said...

Fantastic Haiku! Bill and Ted are geooooorgeous!

Naturally I have a little something over at my place today


Zoë said...

I have done the deed!

VP said...

I enjoyed myself so much, I couldn't resist another go!

VP said...

I've just seen your comment over at Blackpitts re not being able to see his entry.

I had similar problems this morning, but eventually managed to see the whole entry via Google Reader. It's quite a short entry.

VP said...

Oh and I can't get to Lottie Wannabe and Trisha's entries from their Comments - it goes to a Blogger profile deadend. Do you have the details of their actual blogs that you can put up for us please?

HappyMouffetard said...

After a bit of detective work, Lottie Wannabe can be found at:

and Trisha xx can be found:

NewShoot said...

Hopefully, a somewhat suitable offering over at my place too.

Carol Michel said...

I just read about this lovely day to post pictures of cats and write dire poetry, so even though I don't have a cat and am very bad with poetry, I took my chances and posted anyway. You can find my contribution at this link.

Carol, May Dreams Gardens

HappyMouffetard said...

It has to be said that Yolanda Elizabet must surely be in contention. Please do visit for more kewt kitties than you can shake a stick at! (Not of course that you would want to shake a stick at such sweet little darlings). You might need a bucket, though.

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

Happy LAPCPADPOUB Day Mouffe! What a great contribution and what devilishly handsome boys you have! Love the haiku and the update.

I hope that by now you have been able to see JAS's entry.

VP said...

Thanks HM - I'll look at those later as NAH has decided we need to go for a walk.

Have you spotted that Titania has renamed you ever so slightly? ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy LAPCPADPOUB day! I've posted my photo of Hobbes at Zanthan Gardens but I haven't come up with any bad poetry yet. I'll have to think on that.

I do love cats and I wish I could have one. Luckily I have some friendly neighborhood cats.

HappyMouffetard said...

Also here is a link to Easygardener's contribution:

Some excellent dire poetry!

Anonymous said...

My kitty photos are posted.

Anonymous said...

A humble offering over a t my place. Extremely bad but mercifully short poem and a few pics - not enough time to play with blogs when the sun is shining and there is a border to extend in the garden.
Love all the entries I've looked at so far - well done for the idea in the first place!

Juliet said...

I have created a blog just so that I can join in! - it's here

Incidentally, I wrote the poem - & found the McGonagall site - on Friday night, before you mentioned him!

emmat said...
is my not to be sniffed at contribution. Or maybe just not to be sniffed.

HappyMouffetard said...

So many cats, so little time. I think I'll need a day off from feline fancies and cute kitties tomorrow, just so my delicate sensibilities can recover.

However, for now, keep them coming!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello there ... a little late but HERE I AM ... Canadian EH !
Love the pictures of your boys .. They look very content indeed !
I'm not exactly sure about the meaning of LAPCPADPOUB ... but I think it is a hoot and I have joined in : )

SomeBeans said...

Some may think that the first picture of Bill & Ted demonstrates brotherly love - what's actually happened is that Bill has been sitting comfortably on the chair when Ted has decided he want's some of the action so has pretty much sat on top of him.

In the second picture Bill is trying to teach us something about taphonomy (a word I will teach my Chinese colleague for it's almost utter uselessness).

LAPCPADOUB day seems to be going down a storm!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment on my (early) LAPCPADPOUB Day post. Your black cat pictures are much better than the ones I manage with my two. Lovely cats and poems!

Anonymous said...

My LAPCPADPOUB post is up: :-)

Bill and Ted are handsome fellows, and your poetry is, er, dire indeed. :-) Fun post! Looking forward to reading all participants' offerings.

Victoria Summerley said...

BTW: did you know that the rue Mouffetard has had something like 10 different names over the years (according to Wikipedia).

Kat Wolfdancer said...

Greetings & Salutations!
MOST of my post is up, to be completed with more poetry and pictures upon my return to my domicile.. What a delight your blog is! It is 1 pm Sunday afternoon here in the chilly yet sunny Pacific Northwest, where we have cats. Or rather, where they have us.


Anonymous said...

Hi Happy, so happy am I to be able to post in this. Oops, that bad poetry is rubbing off on me!

Frances at Fairegarden

Robin's Nesting Place said...

How fun! My post is up too!

HappyMouffetard said...

Thank you all for taking the time to celebrate LAPCPADPOUB Day.

I fear I may have overdone the number of kewt kitties that a sane person should look at in one day! I may have to go and sit in a darkened room for a while...

Anonymous said...

35 comments!!! The world is going mad...
Good poems, I particularly like 'Sleepy, peepy and sometimes downright creepy'. Although your cats are not nearly as terrifying as some.
Excellent idea of yours, bravo.

Anonymous said...

PS You have really woken a sleeping tiger here. I think it unlikely that I am going to get much work done this morning...

Anonymous said...

Hi Happy M. (A.S.B.)
Just a note to say what fun this all was. What "better" way to spend a Sunday than trawling around looking at cute kitties and reading appalling poetry... I must get a life. :)
Great chuckle - thanks

Wicked Gardener said...

Can I tell you how happy I am that these posts now have their own day? Yay! BTW - I think that Bill and Ted need their own blog about their excellent adventures.

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

Dear Mouffe, congrats on a very successful LAPCPADPOUB Day. I've had oodles of fun and I hope you and all the other participants had too.

I also hope this has put all your worries about being perhaps the only mad cat woman aside. There's loads of us! Heeeeeeeeeee! LOL

Poor James, he's really done it now as he has loads of blog entries to read and judge. And he has to wade through tripeup to his hips to do it. Never mind, it will probably stop him from creating more mischief in the near future, don't you think? giggle

Thanks for the fun idea!

Arabella Sock said...

Adding my congratulations to a great fun idea, Happy M! Will there be a backlash from the doggybloggers do you think? And how come I didn't see any bad male poets/mad cat men? They definitely exist somewhere.

Julia said...

My apologies - we had no internet access AT ALL between Boston and upstate New York on our holiday. I may compose some dire poetry about how much Vermont sucked, but it will be a late submission...

Kat Wolfdancer said...

What a delightful day of blogging! I finally added the pictures of the new wee ones, bring a bucket.


Gail said...

I arrived home too late to join the day! But I have to share I am having a great time! Thanks, Gail

jane said...

Oh well I'm a day late, but I've had a go. No cat photo I'm afraid. I'm not a big poetry fan, but I know some of this stiff stinks, well done every one!

HappyMouffetard said...

Late entries are more than welcome - and yours is a particularly fine example, Jane.

Thanks for all of your comments and contributions.

Kate and Crew said...

Do they make a greeting card for this day? Is it appropriate to give catnip as a gift?

GREAT Day! Can't wait to mention it on my

Kat Wolfdancer said...

I truly believe this should be an annual event. There can, after alI, never be too many cats or blog writings aboutthem.I am just about to take pictures of the wee tiny kittens I rescued (and wrote haiku for, albiet not treacle-aly, I'll work on that I KNOW I can get the Sacchrine Cute Factor up!) their eyes are just beginning to open, they are beginning to recognize my voice, and they have discovered their own voices. In spades.

Therefore, James, I have marked this day in my calendar, and I fully expect to win next year's signed book.


Kate and Crew said...

The book I won came today!! I posted about it on my blog in case you want to check it out. It was a very exciting day for me - and I thought LAPCPADPOUB Day couldn't get any better!! James' book is GREAT!!
