Monday, March 16, 2009

Watch the birdies!

My father is a keen amateur wildlife photographer, with an awful lot more patience than I have. Which is why I take photos of flowers, which have a tendency to stay still and not move out of shot, and he takes photos of birds, which have a tendency to stay not at all still and move out of shot and out of focus.

I will be helping Dad set up a blog of his own in the next month or so, but in the mean time I thought I'd stick up a few photos which I nabbed off him at the weekend. I particularly love the photo of the long-tailed tit. It's always a delight to see a troop of them moving through the garden, peeping to each other and minutely inspecting each branch of a tree for tiny delicacies. And before I saw this photo, I never realised that they had pink eyelids! What a sweetie!

Thanks for the photos, Dad!


Victoria Summerley said...

I love your father's photographs. You must let us know when his blog is up and running. Long-tailed tits are really cute, aren't they? Like a ball of fluff on a stick. I have them in my garden, but they never come down to the bird table, they just sit in the trees and gossip.

HappyMouffetard said...

What a fantastic description, Victoria!

Anonymous said...

Your father really is an artist!
I know that the pictures I take aren't bad, but they're nothing compared to his.
Yes, I do love the one of the long-tailed tit.. just like I do just love those birds... I think they are my favorite birds of winter, but I never could make such a beautiful portrait...

Anonymous said...

These are fabulous pics. - love Victoria's description of the long tailed tit.
Look forward to your fathers blog.

chaiselongue said...

Amazing photos!!! I'm looking forward to your father's blog.

Anna said...

Exquisite photos ! So much more of a challenge to photograph birds. Hope to see more of your father's photos. We have a noisy group of long tailed tits who visit the garden regularly. I enjoy watching them hover round the windows and tapping their beaks against them as they seek out delicacies to eat.

Trisha said...

Beautiful photos, longtailed tits are one of my faves in the garden too - Victoria, they'll probably visit a hanging bird feeder rather than a table, especially if the table is quite low to the ground.

HappyMouffetard said...

Thank you all for your comments; I'll put up a link to dad's blog when we get it up and running.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Enchanting photos. The long tailed tit is adorable. Great photgraphy.

Shirley said...

Oh my.... yes you really should encourage your Dad to join the blogging world or at the very least do guest posts on your blog every now and again :-D