Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wild? They were livid!

SomeBeans and I went to the zoo last week. It's chock full of exotic animals, from agouti right through to zebra. So, what rare and wondrous wild animals did SomeBeans photograph?

The crow is stealing a whole egg from the meerkat enclosure. The magpies are stealing mealsworms from the meerkat enclosure. The meerkats weren't happy.
We also met this chappy. Known in our house as the kimono dragon (you can imagine it strolling around in a silk dressing gown), this is a komodo dragon. Wonderfully written about here by Douglas Adams.
Whenever we go to the zoo, we also stop by to say hello to the tiny frogs that rule the world. At least, that's what they look like they are doing from their tiny lairs - a bit James Bond baddie style.
And a final 'hello' to the creatures that SomeBeans sponsors - the red eyed tree frogs. Or rather, the sleepy eyed tree frogs, as every time we see them they are just stuck to a leaf, asleep. I suppose we could have been conned and we have actually sponsored some stick-on rubber frogs.

We missed the orchid festival, but to finish on a botanical note, the acacia was in flower.


Unknown said...

Great post! That red eyed tree frog looks so cosy on that leaf.


Anna said...

What exotic birds :) Was it Chester Zoo that you visited ?

VP said...

Have you spotted in the news that a Komodo dragon killed someone this week?

Perhaps it's not just the frogs that are dreaming of world domination!

I've always fancied spomsoring an anteater because they're a cuddly looking form of silly

Anonymous said...

Well our hero Some Beans took some wonderful shots. The meerkat looks only slightly disgruntled, almost even happy. Douglas Adams is a favorite of mine, this story was compelling in a head first into the black hole sort of way. Kimonos would help keep the terror at bay. Festering wounds are a sad way to go out.


Nutty Gnome said...

Your comments about the kimono dragons sponsoring some stick-on rubber frogs really made me laugh out loud! Cracking!

I love Douglas Adams' writing too.
Which zoo were you at?

HappyMouffetard said...

Anna, Nutty Gnome - it was Chester Zoo.
VP - I've just read about that - not a nice way to die! Love the idea of sponsoring an anteater. They don't have any at Chester though. Have you ever seen the video footage of David Attenborough trying to lassoo a giant anteater (in the 1950s I think) - the anteater wan't very happy about it!

Ryan & Frances, thanks for your comments.

Gail said...

A zoo is a good place to spend the day...especially a pleasant spring day...I hope it was! I've read that the komodo dragon is a dangerous creature! ...and the frogs are pretty cool...I mean blue is a neat color to be! gail