Just under two years ago, SomeBeans dug me a new bed. well, you know how it is - so many gorgeous plants in the world, and how much lawn does a girl need?
I planted it with alliums, achillea, stipa and two types of iris. Only Dutch Chocolate flowered for me last year, and I was worried that the wet summer followed by the wet, cold winter would cause both types to give up the ghost. They didn't really have the chance to enjoy having their rhizomes baked in the hot summer sun. But this year, Iris 'Good Show' has made her debut. And what a debut.
I've been watching her over the past week, from a tiny flash of orange at the tip of the bud last sunday, to the petals pushing upwards out of their papery shroud. And today she has revealed herself in all her glory. In the shade, she's quite a subtle old gold, but when the sun fall on her she flashes her orange frills.
Late May - irises, peonies, alliums. Gardens don't get much better than this. To walk around the garden is to grin from ear to ear. What more could you ask for?