Attractive to
foggie-toddlers, allegedly
edible, and it can be used to make paper and as a
coagulant in traditional Algerian cheese. Plus, an excellent shelter for snails - I harvested seventeen hiding within the U-shaped valleys of its stems one evening.

Close up, the 'petals' are luminous, looking like the waving arms of a sea anemone.
They're beautiful. Cardoons are related to artichokes, although I think it's the stems rather than the flower buds which can be eaten. The flowers make lovely decorations, though.
Cardoons are very impressive plants. I wish I had room for one. I could try one on the allotment - that's a thought!
You were enquiring on my blog about my Strelitzea. It stays in a pot all the time but stands outside from mid May until mid October. I would guess that they have to be a certain age before they flower well over here - mine was about 7 years old before I got my first flower. Good luck with yours.
Thanks - we might have to wait a while more for some blooms then!
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