Looking back at last year's blog, I didn't get around to posting on GBBD. This year, it was almost sunny, so out into the garden I went with the camera. There are still plenty of flowers about, but most look rather bedraggled and damaged by the heavy rain we've had over the past couple of days. Besides, these flowers featured in September's and October's GBBD.
Instead, here's a flower which has only just come out, and is crawling with bees, wasps and hoverflies making the most of the late autumn nectar.

Thanks, as always, to
Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Check out her blog for many, many more GBBD posts :)
How clever to get all the little details to show.
(Tried clicking but nothing happened. Is it meant to?)
What is the flower
It is gorgeous :o)
I'm wondering what it is too, some sort of Actaea?
Hi there Happy, this flower is familiar! I’m going to kick myself but I can’t remember its name... Happy GBBD :-D
I think I should leave you to stew until tomorrow, to see if anyone can guess what the flower is ;-)
It has certainly been soggy of late in Cheshire but this looks in sparkling form. Is it a close up of an ivy flower HM ? I know the bees like 'em.
Fatsia japonica, really close-up on the flower? It's very pretty, whatever it is!
It's really pretty whatever it is!! I feel like I know it...grrr, my brain is just not working today!
Great photo. The flower reminds me of an Allium, but I really have no clue what it is.
Ahh, Juliet gets the gold star and a justified feeling of smugness. It is indeed Fatsia japonica :)
Oh How clever I never would have guessed but quite obvious now you say.
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