Isn't it amazing that after 5 months* of being under this...

that there will spring such beauties as these ...
(note: plant names may well be wrong, so please put me right, to make our summer holiday photos more accurate!)
White false helleborine

Early purple orchid

Some sort of rampion?

Mountain avens

Alpine thistle?

Martagon lily
EdelweissMany more alpine flowers can be found
*Yes, I know it feels as though we've had 5 months of it in the UK, but it doesn't last long. Thankfully.
I wish I could jump into your second picture and stay there for a half an hour... Won-der-ful...
It is hard to imagine. Looking at my garden today I was having a hard time imagining summer.
Is the rampion pic possibly a Camassia? It looks like one I have in my garden.
What a gorgeous array of alpine flowers. I close my eyes now whenever I see pictures of snow. I want flowers. You are lucky that the snow doesn't linger for long. The Three Graces, of the last post, are stunning. Good photographs!
Lovely pictures - cheered me up no end, on a vile, cold, slush-snow-ice - lumpy porridge Monday morning. Your winter scenes are glorious, unlike the mixture of frozen mud, forlorn trees and dejected birds we've got here in Lincolnshire.
Puts our sprinklings of the white stuff into perspective:)
Snow somehow seems so much better when all you have to do is enjoy it, and not worry about going to work. Thank you all for your comments.
EG - it does look Camassia like, but I've just had a look and Camassias are natives of America, and the photo was taken in the Alps, and I don't think it is a garden escape. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
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