Friday, May 22, 2009

Does anyone else ever get the temptation... stick a whacking great hand print right into the middle of prize-winning alpine plants which have taken years to reach rotund perfection?

No? Just me then.


Zoë said...

I havent been tempted to do that, but I did stick my nose into a cyclamen to inhale deeply of its perfume in the old alpine house at Wisley, and somehow managed to set the alarm off!

Beat a hasty retreat!

Bay Area Tendrils said...

Thank you for a hearty chuckle this morning. I needed it! (caught a very bad head cold on the flight returning from NYC - very sick woman two seats over)

Helen/patientgardener said...

No I havent been tempted to do that but now you have suggesed it....

Anonymous said...

Me too!


Frances said...

As you describe it, I did feel the urge to just lightly place my hand in the middle, just to check the springyness, like with the poufy moss that grows here in abundance.

HappyMouffetard said...

Zoe - whoops! they put alarms on the alpines??

Alice Joyce - hope you feel better soon.

PG & Cynthia - go onn, you know you want to!

Frances - yes, I do that with moss, too. It feels lovely.

Arabella Sock said...

Oh no! Now I am tempted to see what you have to do to set off the alarm in the Wisley alpine house!

Unknown said...

Oh, you're just naughty. I'm more the type to want to ride my horse pell-mell across a perfect golf green of a lawn. Or a golf green! ;-)

HappyMouffetard said...

Arabella, I think that iti si your duty to investigate and report back.

Jodi - yes, I used to get that temptation - there was a bridleway through a golf course when I used to ride. So very tempting...

Anna said...


easygardener said...

Sometimes the need to touch a plant is irresistible. No wonder owners showing plants put up little notices.
I've often wondered if the Alpine house at Wisley might have a hidden portcullis that drops down to cut off your escape!