Monday, May 18, 2009

A world in a drop

After yesterday's post, we noticed that the photograph of the raindrop on the allium bud showed the opposite border upside down.

Here it is right way up. A world reflected in miniature. Or at least a small border in that world. And you can see the beautiful blue sky that lasted for around half an hour before the next torrential downpour. April showers a month late.


chaiselongue said...

Amazing what will fit in such a small droplet! Thanks for pointing it out and putting it the right way up.

Anna said...

A beautiful bubble - thanks for the magnification and rotation. May is certainly making up in rainfall what April lacked. Hope it stops soon before the flowers drown !

Zoë said...

Love images like this that need to be looked at carefully, to see a whole world open up.

Unknown said...

Absolutely fantastic!!

A one in a million photograph!


EB said...

Wow, what a photograph! Amazing how you can see more in them sometimes than when you took them. Like when you write something and someone spots something in it you hadn't intended, but like.

Nutty Gnome said...

Brilliant photo - I love it when these accidental gems happen!

Joanne said...

Wonderful photography!

Arabella Sock said...

Another picture that inspires me to do better with mine!

Tee hee! I have just seen your AWB* title!

*Award winning blog