Several people have already put up photos of the show gardens at Malvern, including
Patient Gardener,
VP and
Arabella Sock. I have to say that, to my untutored eye, the gardens seemed of better quality than I have seen in previous years. And there were more, too. Having the creative imagination of a gnat, I can only admire the way that the designers can think up a concept and then bring it to life with living material.

Having forgotten which other gardens are which by now, these photos hopefully show some of the exuberance of spring.

Sarracenia surrounding a circular pool were eye-catching.
Beyond here be dragons...
Alliums featured in a lot of the gardens, which is A Good Thing as far as I'm concerned.

Sorry Joe Swift - there weren't many gardens which concentrated on the colour green.
And just for Arabella, who missed out on a hug...

Great pictures there!
The garden with the cream garden seat looks fab! Very much my style and I also love the metal fern (?), very nice.
Might have to take a trip to Malvern next year!
Very creative! Nice ideas there....too bad I couldn't come!!!!!
The gardens look very attractive) though I'm not keen on the purple seating or preachy words :-)
I quite fancy the red dragon for my garden!
Will be checking out Chelsea next week. Hope the recession has curbed the usual garden design opulence.
Hi Happy, how fun for all. Is that a metal fern thing, it almost looks like lily foliage but so dark. Cool.
EG - agree about the purple and words. I took the photo as the garden build was helped by pupils of a local school (actually the other local school to the one I attended) and because I was also amused by the fact that if they swapped the words around a bit, the capital letters would spell GRIPE.
Would love ot go to Chelsea, but will have ot live it vicariously through blog reports and TV, so am looking forward to lots of photos.
Frances - yes, a metal fern. That garden also had metal reedmace and Zantedeschia.
Ryan and Dirt Princess- thanks for the comments.
Thank you for the J-AS picture HappyM, it is not quite the same as a hug but still very nice! I thought James said he was getting a new tailored suit for Malvern - did anyone see it? I don't think it was Thursday's clobber and he's wearing jeans in your pictures.
Great picks - I didnt take many of the showgardens it was so windy when we were there.
Thanks for the pics HM - as PG's said the garden's were being flattened on Friday, so I didn't take many pics.
I think the standard's improved too. And having finally got round to watching GW yesterday (we were travelling home when it was on, so I watched it on i-Player in 3 second chunks) I see some of the gardens got gold, which confirms it. That didn't happen when I was there 3-4 years ago, there was just one silver-gilt amongst 10 gardens.
Enjoyed your pics but I am bemused as to how I did not see the purple creation :)
I missed all the local garden shows this spring....and the opportunity to see creative plantings and sculptural elements...and of course the sales of plants and other garden goodies! So please take me to all yours! Virtual is good, too! gail
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