Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Triumph over adversity?

The desire to grow is overwhelming in these Nigella seeds. I wouldn't have noticed them except for going out to play in the snow with the camera. Inside the seedhead are tiny green seedlings. A sign of spring?


Joseph said...

What a great picture! I guess they are tired of winter like all the rest of us.

Rothschild Orchid said...

I love that picture :o)

I'm dreaming of spring, I hope those little chaps make it!

RO xx

Anonymous said...

Nigellas are so stout hearted! A lovely capture of the pretty little seedhead. They self sow here by the thousands, the gardener does nothing at all except pull what are not wanted, very few.

Charlotte said...

Wonderful picture x

Nutty Gnome said...

Gorgeous photo HM ...I can't see ANYTHING here except little mounds under the snow!

Anna said...

I would like to say yes :)

chaiselongue said...

That's beautiful and quite amazing! It always surprises me in the coldest weather of January that the plants recognise the lengthening of the days and begin to prepare for spring.

Liz said...

Wow, that's really quite interesting!

Makes me want to run out and look at mine to see if they're also trying to grow :)

Helen/patientgardener said...

Wow amazing and well spotted

Joanne said...

Great capture someone else noticed something similar on a blog I looked at can't remember who but yes I guess if we weren't looking so closely with a camera it would be easy to miss.

Carol said...

Hopefully they will not freeze with a cold snap. Lovely photograph! Carol

HappyMouffetard said...

Thanks for your comments. I expect I've walked past the little seedlings dozens of times but being snowed in meant a fresh look. I'm not sure they'll survive all the freezing temperatures we're having but plenty more will.