A dream, an idea, gathers momentum, and soon
VP and
Patient Gardener, supported by
James A-S and people at the Malvern Show, organised an international blogger's meeting. It might have been cold, wet and windy but the greetings and friendships were warm.
Despite being rather...

...and a little worried about meeting 'strange people from the internet', it was so good to put names to faces, to meet, to chat. I didn't have enough time to speak to everyone, but hopefully will be able to do so in the future. I had a blissful time chatting to
Yolanda on Saturday evening at the restaurant, and it was so good to meet
Gail and
Frances who made the trip from Tennessee. I would like to list everyone I met but I'm worried I'd miss someone out, so "hello everyone" and thanks for making it such a memorable couple of days.
To VP and Helen, a floral "cheers"

The gardens and flowers will fade from memory, but the people will not.
Lovely to meet you too!
I enjoyed meeting you too. I think a lot of connections were made and people will be arranging to meet up with each other
It was lovely to meet you and I wish I had had more of a chance to chat. I found it was so exciting meeting people in real life that I just stood and gawped at them! But it was a great weekend, and I enjoyed myself so much.
It was so nice to put a (lovely) face to the name of Mouffetard. Sorry I didn't get to spend long with you all, so much to see and I didn't get round to asking for details about the dinner on Friday/Saturday night. Plus my Flu got steadily worse, it would have been unfair to inflict it upon you all!
@Esther - hurrah indeed!
@NewShoot - ditto
@Helen - yes, I hope there will be a N. West/Wales meet up at some point.
@Victoria - totally agree.
@Carrie - thank you for your lovely comment. Hope you're feeling better now.
it was lovely to meet you and everyone else, - we'll have to do it another time, so that we can chat again
I wish we had had the chance to talk properly but it was good to meet you however briefly!
Like Elizabeth said, not the proper conversation took place between us as had been in the plan. That always happens at these meets. It was a good time had by all and there are photos to mull over and help maintain the sweet memories of Spring Fling at Malvern. :-)
what a goofy sentence! Ouch!
I wished we had had time to visit~~Maybe next time! But wasn't it all so much fun! gail
Claire - good to meet you, too.
Elizabeth - yes, brief greetings, hugs, chats and then au revoirs were the order of the show. Hopefully we'll meet up again.
Frances and Gail - yes, here's to next time, whenever and wherever that may be!
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